Presentation Q&A

Last Updated: Aug. 4, 2020

(Jul. 30, 2020)

Financial Results for 1Q of FY2020

About trends in HPP demand in the three strategic fields and other matters

(Page 11 of the presentation slides) 1Q sales grew in the Electronics field. What kind of products sales increased? Will you be able to continuously expand sales from the 2Q?

销售新中期管理计划中强调的产品,如5G基站散热材料, semiconductor processing materials and other non-LCD-related products are increasing. Taking into consideration a variety of factors, including the spread of 5G and upswing in memory demand, new applications are on the rise. We anticipate this trend will continue into the 2Q and beyond.

  • *HPP Company:High Performance Plastics Company
(Page 11 of the presentation slides) Sales increased in the 1Q in the Electronics field. Why then are sales expected to exhibit a negative turnaround in the 2Q?

去年第二季度的销售相对强劲,这在很大程度上归功于新款智能手机产品的大量出货. We anticipate a certain level of correction will emerge in the 2Q of this year, in line with the build-up of certain product inventories in the 1Q of this year, on the back of concerns about damage to the supply chain due to the spread of COVID-19. However, even after taking into consideration these circumstances, sales in the 2Q are forecast to exceed 1Q levels, and believe that trends in the Electronics field are steady.

(幻灯片第11页)与2019财年第四季度相比,第一季度非lcd相关产品的销售额大幅增长. Sales are also projected to increase substantially in the 2Q. What product is showing the most growth?


(演示幻灯片第11页)您是否预计从下半年开始散热材料的销售会进一步增加? In particular, demand in China is forecast to expand rapidly in the next fiscal year. In this event, are you confident in your ability to secure proportionate growth of the Company's products?

We believe so.

(演示幻灯片第4页和第11页)移动设备、建筑和基础设施领域4月至6月季度的月度出货量趋势如何? In addition, what is likely to happen in the 2Q?

Automotive interlayer film trends in the Mobility field bottomed out in April, recovering slowly over June. 十大赌博娱乐平台预计第二季度将逐步复苏,与演示材料第4页所描述的汽车生产趋势一致. Meanwhile, lockdowns in India, a mainstay market, 对建筑和基础设施领域的CPVC产生了重大影响,该领域的需求在整个4月至6月季度都很低迷. Moreover, 由于停工和建筑工程延期的重大影响,十大赌博娱乐平台预计耐火材料在第二季度不会出现明显复苏,主要是在日本.


The situation differs from region to region. While the recovery in demand is slower than anticipated at the beginning of the period, we are looking at an improvement in the 2Q compared with the 1Q worldwide.

(演示幻灯片第11页)而高性能层间膜的销售构成在期初预计将超过计划, what products are selling well?



Market conditions in North America and China did not deteriorate as much as projected in the 1Q. Products were also picked up by new models.

(幻灯片第10页和第11页)SEKISUI宇航公司第一季度的业绩如何? Is it likely results will improve in the 2Q?

As indicated on page 10 of the presentation slides, 第一季度业绩和第二季度预测的综合基础变化数据几乎完全归因于SEKISUI AEROSPACE CORPORATION. 十大赌博娱乐平台的理解是,飞机需求需要相当长的时间才能恢复. 十大赌博娱乐平台将通过转变医疗器械等领域的产品组合,推动结构改革,以提高收益.

About trends in housing order and other matters

(演示幻灯片第12页)与COVID-19传播之前的情况相比,您是否看到房地产市场环境发生了变化, for example, 由于远程办公的日益普及等因素,郊区对独立住宅的需求比城市地区有所增加?

While unable at this stage to identify a clearly defined trend, on the one hand rebuilding in urban areas is struggling. On the other hand, there are signs that demand for detached houses is increasing in urban areas, especially among first buyers, on the back of firm orders for urban subdivision and ready-built houses.

(演示幻灯片第12页)在主要在城市地区的重建工作大幅下降的背景下, do you see this as a shift in customers' preferences to detached houses in suburban areas?

In the majority of cases, 重建客户需要在展览或个人家中进行深入和面对面的讨论. 因此,事实证明,在宣布紧急状态的4月和5月期间很难进行谈判. In contrast, 郊区小区和现成房屋的规格比重建的简单. As a result, it has been easier to negotiate on a subdivision or online basis, making it easier to secure orders.

(presentation sides第26页)而房屋销售数量在第一季度下降,并在上半年继续下降, can we assume that the drop in orders attributable to COVID-19 is a factor?


Accounting for the lead time from when an order is received and a house sold, 十大赌博娱乐平台是否可以假设,第一季度订单的下降将在很大程度上支撑下半年房屋销量的下滑?

The average lead time from order to sale is four to six months depending on the property. Should 2Q orders recover as planned, the decline in the number of houses sold from the 3Q should narrow. In addition, we will work to expand sales of ready-built houses, which are reported as sales shortly after orders are received.

About the status of the Medical Business

(演示幻灯片第17页)在医疗诊断业务中,2019冠状病毒病检测试剂盒在北美的销售状况如何? What is the likely contribution to sales in the 1H?

Diagnostics kits developed by our subsidiary, Veredus Laboratories, is mainly sold in Singapore. We have initiated sales in North America as an introductory product. COVID-19-related products are projected to contribute around 1.0 billion yen to 1H sales.

Other companies are also engaged in the development and sales of COVID-19 diagnostic reagents. What are the strengths of the Company's product?


About 1Q results, 1H results forecasts, and other matters

(演示幻灯片第8页和第10页)与4月份的计划相比,预计上半年固定成本将大幅削减. What items will be cutback in the HPP Company? On a year-on-year basis, the forecast reduction in the 2Q is smaller than the 1Q. Is there are room for further reductions in the 2Q?

In light of the declaration of a state of emergency and the implementation lockdowns, certain operations were not undertaken. Working from home became mainstream in the 1Q. As far as fixed costs in the 1Q and 2Q are concerned, 每个季度之间的减少量和余额受到库存水平变化的影响. 在排除库存变化的影响后,每个季度的数据都大致相同. In the HPP Company, steps are being taken to integrate operating bases inside and outside Japan, 并推动结构性改革,包括合并和关闭欧洲和美国的泡沫行业制造基地.S. We intend to also reduce fixed costs and promote further structural reforms from the 2Q.

The balance of inventories as of June 30, 2020 has increased by a significant amount compared with the balance as of March 31, 2020. Which items are increasing?

The increase is mainly in land for sale in lots and ready-built houses. Moving forward, we will place considerable weight on increasing sales of subdivision and ready-built houses. As is the case in every year, housing work in progress under construction is trending upward as of the end of 1Q.

