Securities Reports

Financial Report is consolidated financial statements with Independent auditor's report. Annual Review and Analysis of Consolidated Results are excerpted from Integrated Reprot or Annual Report.
From FY2021 (Apr. 2021-Mar. 2022), they are English versions of the Securities Report.

Last updated: Jul. 30, 2024

FY2023 (Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2024)

FY2022 (Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2023)

FY2021 (Year Ended Mar 2022)

FY2020 (Year Ended Mar 2021)

FY2019 (Year Ended Mar 2020)

FY2018 (Year Ended Mar 2019)

FY2017 (Year Ended Mar 2018)

FY2016 (Year Ended Mar 2017)

FY2015 (Year Ended Mar 2016)

FY2014 (Year Ended Mar 2015)

FY2013 (Year Ended Mar 2014)